برنامج hidownload

افضل برنامج تسريع تحميل البرامج فلدية القدرة على تحميل البرامج والافلام والفيديو والاغاني
من الإنترنت ومن مواقع التحميل بسرعة البرق ويدعم ايضاً مواقع الاف تي بي FTP كما يدعم جميع السيرفرات مثل HTTP, FTP, MMS, MMSU, MMST, RTSP, PNM ويدعم تحميل ملفات wmv,wma,asf, asx,rm,ra,rmvb,ram,smil,smi,rpm,mov,flv,pls,m3u, ويدعم السيرفرات HTTP, FTP, MMS, MMSU, MMST, RTSP, PNM ويدعم ملفات الميديا بلاير Windows Media™(wmv, asf, wma, asx, ...) وملفات الريل بلاير Real Audio™ and Real Video™(rm, ra, rmvb, ram, rpm, smil, smi, rp, rt, ...) وملفات كويك تايم QuickTime™(mov, mp4, qt, ...) وملفات فلاش فيديو Flash™ Video (.FLV) والكثير من الافلام والفيديو والاغاني الصوتية و فيديو كليب وملفات مضغوطة والكثير من هذا

HiDownload Pro description
Powerful download tool which supports http/ftp/mms protocols

HiDownload is a multithreaded download manager that allows you to download individual files (or lists of files) from web and FTP sites while maximizing the potential of your internet connection

HiDownload Pro supports multimedia streaming and RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) with optional resume enabling you to download music movies and capture streaming video and audio record radio from Internet

HiDownload also offers a tool to analyze MMS/RTSP URLs as well as a builtin Broadcast Manager In addition it provides all the standard features of a download manager including scheduling drop basket download history clipboard monitoring download categories as well as zip preview and more

Here are some key features of HiDownload Pro

Download streaming media (MMS RTSP) with resuming capability record streaming audio and video
Record Internet TVInternet radio
Perfect Live Broadcast Manager(LBM) and convenient to record radio
Record SHOUTCAST showcase (wwwshoutcastcom)
Support MMS/RTSP multiThreads Download increase your MMS/RTSP download speed by up to 500%
Analysis streaming media URLs
Collect all BBC Radio iTunes and other radio in HiDownload
Download music and movies which play online
Zip Preview view the contents of Zip files before download
Zip Extract download & extract specific files from zip archive
Search mp3
HTTP/FTP/SOCKS proxy management
Flexible batch job methods to download multiple files
Browser integration
Download categories

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تعديل :Ayman Mosully